Tuesday, October 30, 2007

HURAH, big post

well its come to an end.

good points, well the space station was given a name! there was a consitent theme that was applied to the Space station. and the domes interiors are now less clutered hand have less "junk" in them . the for it better suits the over all theme.

The MM Share now has a lockable door that will have password, only problem is i cant figure out how to lock it >.<

I have created journals that will tell the tales of the MMshare and SS how created it

Also the interior now has severs that fill it up, and i made them myself too ^_^

Mean while Ed created this really cool chair that will help portray the story that once to evil leaders lived here.

Also here are my story's, a brief out line of my characters history and a journal of a scientist how was once living in the SS base.

Psychiatric Assessment Year: 2010

Profile-Mr Cloakn Dagger

genetic state- enhanced Biogenetics,

“Mr Cloakn Dagger” subject Name.

After extensive physical and mental tests it has been found that test subject #47 AKA Mr Cloakn Dagger will be perfect for our covert missions against the CRILTO alliance. He has proven himself time after time during tests and has an unexpected hatred towards his enemies, but he is not a mere agent on the battlefield, his intelligence is off the charts, this is most likely due to his genetic enhancements, when tested for his IQ he scored a staggering 230. It seems that the project is going ahead perfectly.

Journal of Lead science advisor Dr Phil Jackson

Note: my journal entrees will be short for i fear that the others are watching.

Journal Update:2011

Certain scientists have been raising concerns that test subject #47 has psychic powers, although this has not been proven yet I strongly believe the stories to be true, this would explain how the subject was able to pass so many of the intense mental tests designed for failure.

Journal Update: 2012

Requests (orders) from the top have been made for the transfer of Subject #47 to the newly founded SS research centre in the Antarctic. No body knows exactly who is responsible for the order but many of us think the order came Straight from the head of the SS Pytlo Zenovka.

Journal Update: 2015

All out war has begun between the SS and members of CRILTO. The SS have ordered all of its prominent science advisers to immediately be transfered to the New facility in the Antarctic. None of us here have seen the new Antarctic base but have heard of rumors suggesting that it is some sort of space port. All we know is that a lot of the technicians have been transferred there over the years to work on some sort of Artificial intelligence project.

Journal Update: 2016

All has been strange at the Antarctic base. We are living on a low-orbiting station that was built as a last strategic base to wait off the nuclear winter that consumed the earth in 2015.
Living conditions are terrible, there is talk of revolution.

Tensions are growing over leadership of the station as for Mrcloakn Dagger has arisen as a challenger to take the role of SS leader from Pytlo Zenovka, ironic that a creation and once loyal friend of the leader has become a threat.

Journal Update: 2017

A truce has formed between the two factions. A uneasy peace agreement has been reached between the two leaders, but living conditions are terrible still. I have taken the liberty of forming an secret resistance.

Journal Update:2018- Last entry

We made our attack on the two leaders, all went well to begin with but it was all in vane. we did not realize that the supper computer that was built to make our lives better had a fail safe device that would in the end destroy us.

this is my last journal entry, i hope that that were some survivors left to flee that station.

signing out

DR Phil Jackson


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