Tuesday, October 30, 2007

HURAH, big post

well its come to an end.

good points, well the space station was given a name! there was a consitent theme that was applied to the Space station. and the domes interiors are now less clutered hand have less "junk" in them . the for it better suits the over all theme.

The MM Share now has a lockable door that will have password, only problem is i cant figure out how to lock it >.<

I have created journals that will tell the tales of the MMshare and SS how created it

Also the interior now has severs that fill it up, and i made them myself too ^_^

Mean while Ed created this really cool chair that will help portray the story that once to evil leaders lived here.

Also here are my story's, a brief out line of my characters history and a journal of a scientist how was once living in the SS base.

Psychiatric Assessment Year: 2010

Profile-Mr Cloakn Dagger

genetic state- enhanced Biogenetics,

“Mr Cloakn Dagger” subject Name.

After extensive physical and mental tests it has been found that test subject #47 AKA Mr Cloakn Dagger will be perfect for our covert missions against the CRILTO alliance. He has proven himself time after time during tests and has an unexpected hatred towards his enemies, but he is not a mere agent on the battlefield, his intelligence is off the charts, this is most likely due to his genetic enhancements, when tested for his IQ he scored a staggering 230. It seems that the project is going ahead perfectly.

Journal of Lead science advisor Dr Phil Jackson

Note: my journal entrees will be short for i fear that the others are watching.

Journal Update:2011

Certain scientists have been raising concerns that test subject #47 has psychic powers, although this has not been proven yet I strongly believe the stories to be true, this would explain how the subject was able to pass so many of the intense mental tests designed for failure.

Journal Update: 2012

Requests (orders) from the top have been made for the transfer of Subject #47 to the newly founded SS research centre in the Antarctic. No body knows exactly who is responsible for the order but many of us think the order came Straight from the head of the SS Pytlo Zenovka.

Journal Update: 2015

All out war has begun between the SS and members of CRILTO. The SS have ordered all of its prominent science advisers to immediately be transfered to the New facility in the Antarctic. None of us here have seen the new Antarctic base but have heard of rumors suggesting that it is some sort of space port. All we know is that a lot of the technicians have been transferred there over the years to work on some sort of Artificial intelligence project.

Journal Update: 2016

All has been strange at the Antarctic base. We are living on a low-orbiting station that was built as a last strategic base to wait off the nuclear winter that consumed the earth in 2015.
Living conditions are terrible, there is talk of revolution.

Tensions are growing over leadership of the station as for Mrcloakn Dagger has arisen as a challenger to take the role of SS leader from Pytlo Zenovka, ironic that a creation and once loyal friend of the leader has become a threat.

Journal Update: 2017

A truce has formed between the two factions. A uneasy peace agreement has been reached between the two leaders, but living conditions are terrible still. I have taken the liberty of forming an secret resistance.

Journal Update:2018- Last entry

We made our attack on the two leaders, all went well to begin with but it was all in vane. we did not realize that the supper computer that was built to make our lives better had a fail safe device that would in the end destroy us.

this is my last journal entry, i hope that that were some survivors left to flee that station.

signing out

DR Phil Jackson


Monday, October 29, 2007


i have made the mmshare ! well it has vastly improved since it first started as a door/tube,

Also i have finnaly giving my character a proper make over, he now is dressed to suit the story and life style of MrCloakn DaggerAll that is needed now is objects such as Consoles and computer sever parts to make the MMShare look more like a super computer

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

MM share

well first of all if you read Eds blog you may have been tricked into think that the mmshare tower of doom was all his idea, ITS NOT i thought of most of it. ANYWAY, its going to be hopefully something like these drawings,
The mmshare will be the giant eye (Lord of the rings inspired) the user will gain access having only secured the secret password. it is not yet been finiliesd by the main group as to how the user will get the password.
I like the idea of having a cylinder door that spins around to allow access to the other side of the wall .
Ed and I have both discussed the use of textures, and we feel that a futurisc/ matrix/ alien/blade runner/ event horizon look is the way to go
we hope to make it look scary but also kool to the user, it has to be worth the effort that the user has gone through to get there, it cant be an anti climax, Ed and i are looking for scripts that could be added to the mmshare such as fog , smoke and fire. we are still looking into the possibility's of trap doors

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


today Ed and I, came up with the idea to use domes as the main structure for our 2ndlife world. here are some sketches we did.
the Landing bay will be underneath the structure and will lead up to the "main" dome, the main dome will be the first part of the dome visitors will see, this gives us a good opatunity to create something that will be placed there i,e, a sign or statue that will tell the user about the dome and give hints of the secret (refer to Pytlo.blogspot.com) , the main advantage of having a central dome which connects to other domes is, you can have a uniformed consistent design theme that is not cluttered, confusing and disorganized, the connecting domes would be where class members could "do what they like" , each dome separate to the main can be organized to have similar themed buildings such as "bars" and "gun shops"

these are some early sketches for the evil MMshare

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Alternate Reality Games

look at different games, such as i love bees, and troy ( http://www.igda.org/arg/whatisanarg.html),

all very interesting :),

it seems that "troy" was designed to create the illusion that the user had stumbled into the sites directory, which then leads them with a trail of user names and account passwords, to find out more information about people linked to the sites .

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tin Man

i making myself in to a robot MUHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007


first time at making a shirt, WOO HOO , except i miss spelled BAMMANA as SHAMANA !!! GOD DAM IT #$%&&@*

oh well, i think this is a cool chance to show of some of my photography on second life on the shirts >.<

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

me or me ?

first life or second life ??

well here he is! >,<

my 2ndlife appearance will most likely change from time to time, i hope to make him look more like a spy as time goes on. I will try to get a cloak and maybe a dagger

Monday, August 13, 2007

Making a bucket

Look what i made!!!! WOOT WOOT

review of towns


Twilight town is interesting in design but confusing at first. I like the fact that it has a town map and set of rules. There is an interesting centre piece that has lots of flying toy like creatures flying around it. I think the purpose of this place is from gamers to meet and socialise. There are lots of houses for rent and a trolley cart that goes around the town. Upon discovery I found a catacomb that goes two floors down and resembles Zelda 64. I might come back to this place if I wanted to find more stuff.

At kusangi you can buy weights and exersices to use with them. The room itself is boring all that's there is a floor with weights scattered every where there is a demo pair that you can try (im not sure whether they last for long) . Certain hot spots litter the flaw, when you use them you perform an exercise.
The naval yard is located in the same spot as the gym but im reviewing it separately because i think it has a different owner. there are some very cool ships here and even a submarine, all the ships have detailed textures, if i had the money i would buy one >.<. (and if i had some where to sail it)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

MrCloaknDagger (Avitar)

* I see myself as secretive almost spy like in nature, a profiler of other characters. One not to be trusted or underestimated 0_o

* if I were an animal I would be a, hybrid monkey
* I dress to accentuate my, automatic assault rifles
* I dress to hide my, automatic assault knifes
* I lead with my, trigger finger
* My idea of a good night is, successful industrial espionage
* My idea of a bad night is, successful diplomacy
* I value my best friend because they are, gullible

* Favourite web site is www.NWO.com
* Relaxing means spying on others

* social position: gun for hire
* age: ??
* sex: male
* health: beyond perfect
* physique: demi god

MrCloaknDagger AKA “gunz4hire” was a orphan with an attitude, right from the start he was able to get his way through deception and lies. He can talk his way in or out of any situation.

MrCloaknDagger works for various governments, and at this moment is on a current undercover assignment which involves profiling civilians in the world of second life. Not much is known about what the objectives are of his current assignment.


Zina was awoken by the sharp snap of the t.v short circuiting. He had nightmares of this type of thing happing but had never dream t this day would have come. As he wiped the cold sweet from his forehead , he began franticly searching for the t.v remote. Chips and old toe nails littered the flaw and seemed to hide most of the carpet, as Zina franticly searched he began to find relics from a once long ago past, pictures of him as a teenager , pictures of friends, he was fast to push them aside only to find more memory’s, a tennis racket and baseball. Suddenly emotions began to follow the memories. Zina began to feel something that had long been missing from his life, fun. Next He found himself picking up the phone and faster then a short circuit was out playing ball with his mates.

Little Green Shore

Little Green Shore

Green shore was once an icon for other small townships to look up to. They had every thing going for them until the November 18th, a date that has been firmly burnt into the minds of many and has come to be know by the locals as the “dark tide”. Some predicted the demise of green shore, claming that they witnessed counsel officials dabbling in the dark arts, many clamed this is why green shore always won countless township awards.

Regardless of how it happened all that matters is it DID happen. Green shore went from being heaven to hell on earth. It all started when small misfortunes occurred to the locals such as nose bleeds and headaches. But the strangest occurrence was when small gargoyle like statues began appearing around the church.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

townhall design

Group: Jay, Tinny, Parv

As a group we have decided upon a "Neoclassical" theme to our hall.
We have also decided to make it the oldest building in the town thus opening the possibility to "secretive" story lines which may involve themes from the past of the town e.i murders and other crimes.
as a group building a major stucture in the town we would also like to immortalize our selfs in the form of statues >.< and have custom flags draping from the pilers.

JayZ and team

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

historic moment

this is my first blog >.< !!!

WMM has turned out to be an intersesting ^_^

later, JZ *_*